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Friday, June 13, 2008

Who is Who? Fayyaz Suleman?

Fayyaz Suleman 29, who hails from and lives in Leicester, is standing as a prospective MEP (Member of European Parliament) candidate for RESPECT (Political party set up in conjunction with George Galloway and the Anti-War Coalition) on June 10.

I went to visit him to try and find out what this new 'coalition' was all about. The immediate question that popped into my mind was:

Q. As a Muslim, what attracted you to politics?

A. The ability to represent grassroots issues and the opportunity to exercise our democratic rights. Thus, being able to effectively demonstrate and represent those people who are isolated from the political process, ensuring they have a voice that can be heard and crucially ensuring that the decision-making process can be influenced.


A. RESPECT is the newest and fastest growing political party in Britain. It is the manifestation of the politicisation of the anti-war movement and a vehicle to represent common day-to-day issues that affect society, taking into account the principles of equality and social justice.

We want to reduce the gulf between ordinary working people and the political establishment, retaining the principle that everyone should be protected by compassionate public provision from the cradle to the grave.
RESPECT is also an acronym for respect, equality, socialism, peace, environment, community and trade unionism.

Q. But, don't other political parties purport similar objectives?

A. What we have seen over time from the existing government is the lack of will to respond to public opinion on crucial domestic and foreign issues viz. student top-up fees and the invasion of Iraq. Furthermore, the opposition do not provide a meaningful alternative and as a consequence, RESPECT is gaining popularity with mainstream party members.

Q. OK, from the point of view of Muslims, how could they benefit from RESPECT?

A. This is the first time a political party has been formed in the UK in consultation with Muslims. Effectively, it is providing a platform for highlighting issues pertinent to Muslims i.e. Oppression of Palestinians, victimisation of the Muslim community in light of Anti-terror laws and a coherent movement to quell Islamaphobia in all aspects of British society.

Q. What message do you have for those Muslims that shun the political process?

A. There is no basis in Islam for them to act in this way. In fact, Islam encourages active participation in society, in order to bring about change for the benefit of all.

Q. If elected, what immediate objectives do you intend to fulfil for your constituents?

A. Play a part in reducing the feeling of social deprivation in the community. Also, to influence the regeneration of neglected/disadvantaged areas.

Q. How do you intend to implement that?

A. By initiating socio-economic projects that combat the disease of social exclusion and help people to become economically active.

Q. What if you don't get elected, any alternative plans?

A. I will remain committed to work towards empowering the community in which I live. Thus, continuing to liaise with public service providers and institutions via CEDAG (Community and Economic Development Action Group) with whom I have been affiliated with even prior to joining RESPECT.

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