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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Infernal Cycle set to Rage Post Berg Video

Nick Berg 26 of Pennsylvania arrived in Iraq in December 2003. In mid-March this year, he was held by the US military in Mosul (Northern Iraq) for no apparent reason, prompting his father to file a lawsuit. He was released on April 6 and disappeared soon after. Michael Berg (His father) was incensed with the US authorities, believing that his son could still be alive if he had been brought home as instructed before the current mayhem started.

The horrific act (which I will spare the readers the details of) that ensued adds to the ever-burgeoning list of victims of America's pre-emptive War on Iraq.

All major US networks found it too gruesome to show, tip-toeing down the ethics high-wire as one journalist described it, trying to balance responsibility of informing public and not sanitizing the war, without being complicit in spreading the message of terrorists.

The White House refutes any link with Abu Ghraib (The now infamous prison where some American soldiers were allegedly involved in gruesome misdemeanour) Some commentators are even hoping the Berg incident will deflect public outcry over the above-mentioned.

Michael Berg described his son as a Bush administration supporter who may well have been killed when his captors found out that he was a Jew.
The speaker in the horrendous video talked about how the US administration rebuffed them (which they vehemently deny) over a prisoner exchange deal and that this was revenge for Abu Ghraib, with more to follow.

Arab public opinion was mixed between describing it as barbarism while others saw it as a natural response to US violence.

violence generates violence. The majority of Muslims in this country have agreed that it is clearly against Islamic guidelines on warfare.
Whatever one concludes, this will tarnish the Muslims and open up a route for the subjective media to go to town, thereby drifting public opinion from Abu Ghraib and Basra.

Most fingers and eyes are pointing towards Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi (how and why is yet unestablished)

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