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Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bedfordshire Police Launch Car Safety Initiative

In partnership with the Road Safety Officers from Beds. County Council and Luton Borough Council, (please see advert on page 17) together with Crimebeat, Halfords and Mothercare, Beds. Police have embarked on this commendable campaign. The emphasis is on in-car safety where ALL Vehicle drivers and passengers, (In particular, those with children) are made aware of the importance of using seat belts and child restraints at ALL times.

In my discussion with Richard Bratton, Casualty Reduction Officer at Beds. Police Headquarters, he explained that its easy to simply start issuing tickets to offenders, considering the law for wearing seatbelts in the front of cars has been with us for over 20 years while 10 years have elapsed since it has been compulsory to wear seat belts in the back. However, as a goodwill gesture and to inspire confidence in the public, (viz. the public being granted as responsible citizens) the Police have decided to launch a wide-spread advertising campaign encompassing most aspects of the media to highlight the importance of this issue.

Of particular concern is the number of Asians (many Muslims included) that are found to be children, not wearing any form of restraint, often being carried to and from school. Given that these are mainly short journeys, the police consider the risk of injury greater as there is likely to be more sudden braking involved.

To help promote the importance of these simple yet life-saving devices, Beds. Police have made available leaflets and posters in many of the Asian dialects, which give valuable and simple to follow advice on how to protect a new baby, infants and children.

Further, Richard explained to me how they had enlisted the help of local school children from both Luton and Bedford, to support and promote this very important campaign. "The children have been asked to design posters which hopefully we could use in the future, with the best designs attracting vouchers donated jointly by Crimebeat and Halfords."

He added, "What particularly horrifies us as Police Officers, who often have to deal with the consequences, are the young children, often in the back of a car, totally unrestrained. We need to remind all drivers, adult passengers and those having responsibility for young children in cars as to how important it is for all to belt up."

To give an idea of the possible consequences of not taking these simple measures, Richard explained how an unrestrained front seat occupant would shoot forwards, colliding with anything ahead, the dashboard, windscreen etc. A rear passenger, even a small child, will fly forwards into the back of the front passengers, with dreadful consequences, often deadly.

As a final word of caution, he pointed out that a badly fitted seat or restraint, which may not be the right one for your car, simply will not provide the degree of safety your child deserves. I totally concur and am heartened by the fact that Beds. Police have taken this initiative as they have. Anything to inspire confidence I say!

For further details or queries:
Contact Richard Bratton, Casualty Reduction Officer, Beds. Police
01234 842481

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